Changelogs Accounts 1.0

Last Updated on July 23, 2024

Zampto Accounts 1.0 is one of the biggest updates made by Zampto.


  • Added 2FA using TOTP
  • Added 2FA using EOTP
  • Improved security system
  • Added the ability to manage sessions
  • Added the ability to manage your Zampto Hosting account directly from the Zampto Accounts dashboard
  • The page to change the password has been updated, it now requires the current password and then the new one and confirmation of the new password
  • Added a loading screen to make the experience smoother
  • Added the ability to block log in into your account when the system detects the use of a VPN or Proxy
  • Added the ability to enable Log in using OTP
  • Added the ability to enable Log in using OTU
  • Added the ability to enable Log in using EOTP
  • Added the possibility of generating dedicated (different) Session codes for each Log in
  • Added the possibility of creating up to a maximum of 15 active OTPs at the same time
  • Added the possibility of creating up to a maximum of 15 active OTUs at the same time
  • Improved User interface
  • Improved the user interface for mobile devices (now the page adapts and does not remain in desktop mode)
  • Added the ability to choose whether to change the password and then log directly into the account or log directly into the account without changing the password during the account recovery process using Backup Codes
  • Added compatibility and the ability to change the language in the following languages: English (default), Arabic, Spanish, French, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Indonesian, Hindi, Latin, Russian, Romanian, Portuguese, Polish, German, Turkish, Japanese and Danish
  • Added compatibility and ability to switch between Dark (Default) and Light Theme
  • Now when a user logs in or completes the Sign Up an alert will be shown on the general settings page
  • Now when data is updated on the General Settings page, an alert will appear showing what has been changed and the previous and new values
  • Compatible with OAuth, it is now possible to Login to other sites using Zampto Accounts, and it is also easy to integrate, without requiring any API Key
  • Added Quick Log in

Zampto Accounts 1.0 is one of the most important updates to Zampto, adding essential functions has improved Zampto and its services a lot.

Released on July 23, 2024

The short URL of the present DBA post is: