Changelogs Forms 0.2

Last Updated on July 25, 2024

Zampto Forms 0.2 is an update focused on security, especially in filling out and sending forms


  • Duplicate response prevention system
  • A Better User interface in the response list for a form
  • System to block form submissions when using a VPN or Proxy (in testing phase, not available to the public)
  • From this version, when the system is unable to obtain the user’s IP address, it will not be possible to send the form (necessary to avoid other spam such as that of 21-22 July 2024 to the Zampto staff form where almost 17,000 staff applications were sent, using a Bypass to prevent the system from saving the IP)
  • Added a rate limit
  • Added the possibility that when a response to your form is rejected (For example use of VPN/Proxy or duplicate response) you can receive a notification on discord using a webhook
  • Added Anti-Bot verification using CAPTCHA Cloudflare Turnstile (Still in testing, not publicly available)

This update was released on July 22, 2024, urgently developed in 1-2 days due to spam attack occurred between July 21 and 22, 2024.

The short URL of the present DBA post is: