Light & Dark Mode

Last Updated on May 5, 2024

From May 5, 2024, Dark Mode is officially available on the Zampto website, while the light mode has been available since the site was activated.

How does it work?

The site mode is automatically detected by the device, so if for example you are visiting the site from a computer with Windows 11, and keep the operating system in Dark Mode, the site should automatically go into Dark Mode, while if you keep the operating system in White Mode the site will automatically be set to white

The 2 modes partially change the style of the site, so if for example on the DBA page the list of posts is in White and the text is in Black, when the dark mode is active the 2 colors will be reversed, therefore the background will become black and the text white, or at least dark mode and white mode are based on this principle on Zampto

How to change between the 2 modes?

To change between the 2 modes manually just click the slider/button usually in one of the 2 bottom corners of the device.

Alternatively in the footer (bottom of the page) there is a switch to change from Light to Dark mode and reverse

There is also a shortcut for devices with a keyboard, where you just click the CTRL + ALT + D keys together and it will allow you to switch between the 2 modes

If you want someone to view a specific page in Dark mode or Light mode, just add one of the 2 prefixes to the end of the URL to make the page appear in one of the 2 modes:

Dark Mode URL Prefix:


Light Mode URL Prefix:


So, for example, if the user you send the link to has Light Mode by default, but you want to show him the Sitemap in Dark Mode, you can add ?darkmode to the end of the URL so the link will appear like this, and he will be in Dark Mode automatically:

The short URL of the present DBA post is: