Privacy Policy

Last Updated on July 30, 2024

Zampto Privacy Policy

Monitoring and Security

The Zampto Network is actively monitored for security and statistical purposes, in fact, all IPs are automatically logged when visiting any Zampto page, and visits to the network are counted.

We save your Email, Password (hashed), Username, Discord ID and Username and any other information you enter.

We monitor and save data changes such as email update, username, discord id, discord username, IP and more, to facilitate future investigations, increase security, prevent hacking attempts and to have greater statistics and overview of our services.

We would like to specify that we do not sell your data, neither IP nor other data, these data are stored on our servers in secure databases.

Data storage

User data is securely stored on our servers or VPS provided by reliable providers such as in the case of the Panel and Billing of the Hosting.

We will specify that only authorized staff have access to the administration system.

Once your email (or other data) is saved in our systems we are not required to delete it.

Sending Emails, SMS and Messages

When a user enters their data (Sign Up, Log in or submitting a form) into our services/systems (database), we may send Emails, SMS and Messages of any kind, such as promotions, security alerts and more.

Advertising and Sponsors

All advertising services are inserted into the network in various places, we also guarantee security in the use of advertising on the Zampto network.

Sponsors can be placed anywhere on the network, we do not guarantee security on other people’s networks, much less the sponsors’.

Data Transfers, IP and Provider Information

Our network, being 90% hosted by us, typically involves purchasing low-spec VPS and connecting them to our servers using Wireguard to enhance security. Consequently, traffic passes through the provider’s VPS before reaching ours, so we do not guarantee any security in that regard, even though we use high-quality and secure providers. Here is the list of providers we use to obtain VPS (Virtual private server/s):

  • Scheggia Cloud
  • Oracle Cloud (or OCI)
  • Amazon Web Services (or AWS)

We would like to specify that hosting service data (Data list not on our Servers [Servers managed physically by us]) is stored on our Servers (and not in the VPS we use), which are servers managed physically by us. The only difference is that the IP (IPv4) addresses belong to other providers.

Personal information

The data you provide for example for your Zampto Account is kept secure in our databases, and is not disseminated or distributed by us in any way, however we do not assume responsibility in the event of any breach that allows access to your data , so enter your data with caution, and do not enter extremely sensitive data.

We reserve the right to update our Privacy Policy at any time, even without notice, and by using our services (or by accessing any service hosted and therefore kept online or powered by Zampto) you automatically accept any change in the services and also including everything that has the domain and the sending (submission), the creating and editing forms on Zampto Forms, even without having a Zampto Account.

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