
Last Updated on July 25, 2024

ZAMPTO Imprint (Informations)

Name: Zampto

Contact Information:

Legal Information:


Zampto is a network of online services available globally. We have a Discord server that we use for all communications, and we write in both Italian and English.

We offer affordable hosting services, but we also offer other online services such as an Account system that supports Oauth, a Form creation and management system, and a digital Wallet (which allows you to create your own currency, without real value)


  • Owner/Founder: Ale_M. (Contacts: Discord username alem_x and email [email protected])
  • The rest of the staff is located on the discord server and can be contacted by opening a ticket on the discord server.

Other Info

  • Zampto foundation date: 10 March 2024
  • Discord Server:
  • The main languages ​​we know how to write are English and Italian. To request support or contact us it is mandatory to write in one of the two specified languages (We do not officially offer vocal [VOICE CHAT/CALL] support/contact but only written [TEXT CHAT] support.).

The short URL of the present DBA post is: